Lagniappe Lollapalooza

I guess that nearly everyone knows what lagniappe is by now, and that we routinely practice it, but, just in case there is one person out there that is still in the dark about lagniappe, it equates to what some call a freebie, gift or a gratuity.

Alice & I always guess at something that you may need or want & sometimes it doesn't work out well, e.g., we might toss in a package of leg levelers only to hear back that the person is into MAME & does not have any arcade cabs to install them on. This is why we like to have something that is enjoyed by all regardless, such as the brownies & Mardi Gras items that we add during the season.

One day last week we were trying to think of something for lagniappe for a specific order & during this "staff" meeting it was suggested that I make a page for lagniappe items from stock that you could pick from, thus making certain that the item was useful in your case. Of course, we always added lagniappe without rhyme nor reason, so you might have got a flyback xformer along with the cap kit you ordered for your monitor, or you may have never received any lagniappe outside of the non-arcade items :-( For this reason it was decided if we tried this that we would have to have some guidelines in order for it to work. Obviously, we couldn't have everyone buying a cap kit requesting a color monitor for lagniappe, so Alice came up with making certain items available for specific dollar amount categories, which is what I will attempt to do for a trial basis & we'll see how it goes.

Janice, being a pic person, insisted that I put pics up for the choices. I told her I'd have to label or number them in some way for selection & that some may not know what the pic is of, to which she replied,
"If they don't know what it is, they don't need it" :-)

In order to get the lagniappe item of your choice you must get a total of your order without the shipping & choose from the appropriate catagory below. Just include the caption under the item you chose when you place your order & we'll include it.

$50.00 To $99.00

Lagniappe 1

Lagniappe 2

Lagniappe 3

Lagniappe 4

Lagniappe 5

Lagniappe 6

Lagniappe 7

Lagniappe 8

Lagniappe 9

$100.00 To $199.00

Lagniappe 10

Lagniappe 11

Lagniappe 12

Lagniappe 13

Lagniappe 14

Lagniappe 15

Lagniappe 16

Lagniappe 17

Lagniappe 18

$200.00 & Over

Lagniappe 19

Lagniappe 20

Lagniappe 21

Lagniappe 22

Lagniappe 23

Lagniappe 24

Lagniappe 25

Lagniappe 26

Lagniappe 27

We still buy in odd items to toss in as lagniappe & some draw some email Qs, but two recent ones are drawing more than the usual, so I thought I'd put the answers right here to point to.

The first one is this item:

This is first of all a screwdriver. It has a screw in the end of the handle where you can attach a wire with an alligator clip to clip to ground. Then you can probe with the screwdriver for voltage being present from 100 volts to 500 volts.... stamped on the handle. If voltage is present the neon lamp inside the handle will glow. On the bench this can be handy without the wire attached for checking a flyback to see if it is generating an output when you have a black screen symptom. Simply holding the insulated screwdriver shaft place the side of the handle with the lamp inside in close proximity to the side of the flyback & the lamp will glow if the flyback is working.

Next one is a little easier:

A toothbrush... what does Alice think I need to pay more attention to oral hygiene, or what?

No... these are for cleaning inside your cab... from monitor crevices to around IC legs & components on a PCB.