Undeliverable Email

Hey! Your email is bouncing!

Every so often emails come bouncing back to me & after exhausting every means to reply to the person, I notice that sometimes by the 3rd & 4th emails they tend to be a little less pleasant :-(

There is not much I can do when the recipient's mail system doesn't let me in for whatever reason & returns all the email with the various explanations :-( I'm sure y'all have gotten some of these messages, also... you know the ones...

This e-mail message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

...and the list goes on... & on!

It has occurred to me that I can post these refusals here, so that you can see if I have had trouble getting back to you. If so, perhaps it will give you a chance to try an alternate email address or maybe get a friend to try to retrieve your reply. Of course, I won't use the complete email address for obvious reasons.

Recent Undeliverable Email Returns:

blake.fischer Host not responding


J Corrill entergy