Cross Shipping Cross Shipping


Looks like cross shipping works smoothly for about a year at a time now. I guess no one took Alice seriously when she said the first time anyone goes over 10 days they get removed from the cross ship list because just since the first of the year, the list has been reduced by roughly 15%... some of which we had been helping for years. When you are use to receiving your order 2 days after you place it, & then suddenly have to add on a 3 to 6 day wait while your payment is enroute to us, it can be disappointing to say the least. It can mess up a planned weekend of repairs for sure.


Over the past couple months cross shipping payments have been backing up once again. Out of a box full of invoices approximately 10% of them are past Alice's allotted 10 day period for receiving payment. Alice says she has been generous in giving everyone second & third chances on late payments, but wanted me to forewarn everyone that she is taking anyone off the cross ship list that has gone over the 10 days without exception from now on. She says it's only fair to those who do cross ship their payment without fail & I have to agree with her.


Unfortunately, cross shipping is once again in danger of being halted, as it was back in 2004. It seems many people have forgotten just what cross shipping is... which is just a way to speed your parts on their way to you by shipping them when you send your payment, so that they cross in the mails, saving 2 to 4 days of transit time. Alice handles the cross ship list of regulars & she allows 10 days for US payments to get here & 20 days for Canadian payments just in case the USPS sends your mail on an extended trip before stopping here. Lately, she tells me that more often than not the Canadian payments are arriving within 10 days & she has to send notices to US buyers at the 10 day mark. She says it's evident that many have gotten away from their end of the cross shipping bargain by replies to her "heads up" notices. A few examples are: I'll send it this weekend or I'll try to send it out next week, this when it has already used up the 10 day grace period & obviously not "cross shipped".

Needless to say, Alice is a little ticked over this & she says it's because she increased our exposure cap for cross shipping by a thousand dollars at the end of last year & we are bouncing off the new fully exposed position almost daily, which in turn, causes some packages not to be shipped on the day the order is placed. Because of that, she has been knocking off the list all those who go over the 10 day grace period in order to ensure cross shipping for those who do adhere with timely payments.

When everyone lives up to their end of the bargain cross shipping works like a well oiled machine as proven over the past 14 years. The 10 day grace period encompasses those who like to place their orders on a Wednesday for the parts they need for the weekend & send payment on Friday when they get paid. Alice says she's fine with that since these payments never seem to be late. Before the wheels starting coming off this system she was even cross shipping to newbies who emailed that their payment had been posted & she said that those were no problem at all, but being at the limit of exposure doesn't allow her to do that most days here of late.

Hopefully, this is just another bump in the road & everything will get back on track, but it all depends on having the payments cross shipped to keep the pool full & capable of sustaining the float of goods in transit.